Monday, January 20, 2014

Neurofeedback Training #1

First neurofeedback training session today, I wasn't sure quite what to expect. We are beginning with 6 sessions training my frontal lobe to help with relaxation (?? lowering beta waves, I think), and to help build a foundation for the remainder of my training.

Started out with a short audio session, followed by a visual session - to see which one worked best for me. It was interesting to look at the real-time feedback and see what was actually happening on the computer monitor (and really hard to make changes!) It took about 5-6 minutes for my brain to figure out how to keep the desired waves low - when I was out of range the sound would disappear, at that point I have to regulate myself to get the sound back. It was the same thing with the visual training, only with a video, rather than audio on headphones. When I went out of range the image on the screen shrank down. The visual seemed harder to control, the harder you try, the more difficult it becomes... I think that I may have just been more interested in watching a movie about Joseph Campbell than listening to baroque music, so it was just naturally more frustrating when the video image would shrink.

In the end, I did significantly better with the visual training and so we are going to use this method for the time being. I didn't notice it at first, and still don't know if it is related to the training.... but I was surprisingly happy and relaxed for a good portion of the day. Is this seriously going to start working so quickly? I hope so! No worries, just happy and easy-going... strange in a really nice way, but not unheard of.

BTW, made some darn good (kinda pseudo) paleo cookies today (too much honey and chocolate for me!) Next time will try applesauce and dried cherries as a replacement. I hadn't had a cookie in a year at least, and it was a really nice treat :-)

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